Sunday, July 10, 2016

Adobe Animate CC Installing MXP Extensions

Installing Extensions for Adobe Flash used to be so much simpler. So much easier. Why Adobe decided to change this, I wont know, but what I do know is that I finally learned how to do it. I'm on a Windows 10 Machine. I'll try to cover Macs as much as possible, but can't guarantee it. Also, Youtube video after the write up.

  1. The first thing you want to do is download Adobe Extension Manager CS6. Launch the Extension Manager
  2. Select the Tools dropdown Menu. Select the first option, Convert MXP Extension to ZXP
  3. Navigate to the folder where you have the extensions you wish to install

  4. You will then be prompted to save your new ZXP versions of the extension to a folder of your selection. I made a new one for all the extensions I will be converting.
  5. If everything was done correctly, you will receive this message  
  6. Now go ahead and download the WinUtility(Windows)  /  WinUtility(Mac) software.
  7. Extract the zip file. Double click the ManageExtensions icon.
  8. Once it's launched, go ahead and select either Install an Extension or Install Multiple Extensions. PS( excuse the Default Colors and Swap Colors, these were from an earlier attempt)

  9. Navigate to the folder with converted ZXP extension. Select the extension you'd wish to install. in this case I'm installing the Keyframe Jumper Extension
  10. You will receive a message that says everything was installed properly
That's pretty much it. It's a bit of a workaround, which in my opinion is a bit sad, because I feel like most people wont even try and miss out on some great Extensions that can come in very handy and save a lot of time.

Here's a youtube video of the process: