Installing Extensions for Adobe Flash used to be so much simpler. So much easier. Why Adobe decided to change this, I wont know, but what I do know is that I finally learned how to do it. I'm on a Windows 10 Machine. I'll try to cover Macs as much as possible, but can't guarantee it. Also, Youtube video after the write up.
- The first thing you want to do is download Adobe Extension Manager CS6. Launch the Extension Manager
- Select the Tools dropdown Menu. Select the first option, Convert MXP Extension to ZXP
- Navigate to the folder where you have the extensions you wish to install
- You will then be prompted to save your new ZXP versions of the extension to a folder of your selection. I made a new one for all the extensions I will be converting.
- If everything was done correctly, you will receive this message
- Now go ahead and download the WinUtility(Windows) / WinUtility(Mac) software.
- Extract the zip file. Double click the ManageExtensions icon.
- Once it's launched, go ahead and select either Install an Extension or Install Multiple Extensions. PS( excuse the Default Colors and Swap Colors, these were from an earlier attempt)
- Navigate to the folder with converted ZXP extension. Select the extension you'd wish to install. in this case I'm installing the Keyframe Jumper Extension
- You will receive a message that says everything was installed properly
That's pretty much it. It's a bit of a workaround, which in my opinion is a bit sad, because I feel like most people wont even try and miss out on some great Extensions that can come in very handy and save a lot of time.
Here's a youtube video of the process:
Here's a youtube video of the process: